DME Network (Tajikistan)
Project Profile for the Installation of National DME Network in Tajikistan
- Location: Various Locations in Tajikistan
- Client: State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) Tajikairnavigation
- Project: Installation of national DME network throughout Tajikistan
- Contract Award Year: 2017
- Systems Supplied:
- 6 x Moog 2020 DME Dual High Power
- 6 x Omni-Directional Antenna
- 5 x 12m Freestanding Masts
Following a competitive tendering process in 2017, Systems Interface was awarded a contract by the State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) Tajikairnavigation to install six en route DMEs (Distance Measuring Equipment systems) throughout Tajikistan.
Systems Interface were responsible for the complete DME-DME system design, supply, installation and commissioning, along with all related civil works. The delivery process was completed in just 6 months with the aim of increasing airspace capacity within Tajikistan.
The en route DME systems improved the level of radio navigation support to aircraft by providing more accurate positioning of airways and approaches to the international airports in Tajikistan.
The DMEs were installed at Dushanbe, Khujand, Uroteppa, Kurgan, Kulob and Shar Shar to cover the whole airspace of the Republic of Tajikistan. The remote control and monitoring system for the DMEs was installed at Dushanbe Approach Control Centre.
This Project was the beginning of an ongoing programme of work in Tajikistan for State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) Tajikairnavigation and led to further commissioning of DME, ILS, and AWOS systems in Tajikistan.
Quote from the General Director of State Unitary Enterprise (SUE) Tajikairnavigation:
'As a result of implemented complex work by Systems Interface in Republic of Tajikistan, the system has been put into operation. This system consists of 6 (six) DME ground transponder system manufactured by MOOG and is located in International Airports of Dushanbe, Khujand, Kulob and Bokhtar. It can be controlled from the single place, also control and monitoring have been implemented via local network of SUE "TAN" and GSM channels of mobile communication. Omnidirectional antennas type dBs 5100 have been installed in order to insure uniform radio navigation coverage for all beacons as antennas.'
About SUE ‘Tajikairnavigation’
State Unitary Enterprise "Tajikairnavigation" (SUE "TAN") was established in 2009 and is a provider of air navigation services of the Republic of Tajikistan. . SUE "TAN" provides Air Traffic Management, Communication, Navigation and Surveillance and Aeronautical Communications and Aviation Meteorological services.